09 Mar Crossing the Golden Gate Bridge. The Oregon/California Coastal Adventure comes to a conclusion.
Crossing the Golden Gate bridge is never the same experience no matter how often one traverses it. The weather can change by the minute, cloaked in fog for a moment, bathed in sunshine the next, whatever the weather, it’s always unique. This time, our crossing comes at the end of a 10 day Oregon/California Coastal adventure and feels more like coming home than it does traveling. Surrounded by fog that yields occasionally to the wind, I catch a fleeting glimpse of Point Bonita Lighthouse off to my right, a pleasant reminder of Christina and Jacobs wedding two years prior. The low moan of a foghorn sounds off from below and the traffic, there is always traffic here, cars, trucks, scooters, even walkers, joggers and bikers fill the sidewalks that line either side of this majestic orange bridge. I have used each of these means to cross and would be hard pressed to pick a favorite. Perhaps biking it from the San Francisco side to Sausalito and then a return by ferry is my favorite.
With our priorities clearly in order, and the proper advance phone call made, we confirmed that our favorite first stop would not be in vain. Dynamo Donuts was indeed still open and was saving an assortment of our favorite flavors, Coconut, Lemon Pistachio & Cornmeal Rosemary cherry.
We thoroughly enjoyed the last two days of our trip and the following images make me smile as they remind me that the ingredients for fun need not be complicated, a picnic in the park, good food, laughing at oneself (ok, and occasionally at/with selected others!), exploring new sights and sharing it all with someone special, these are just a few of the reasons I love traveling.

Nice girl we met in Dolores Park whom Carissa bought a film camera from, she was holding a “mini garage sale” in the park

We were in luck on this trip, we happened to be here for “Dolores Park Movie Night” A rare treat and quit a spectacle.

Donuts that are baked, not fried, and the ingredients come from some of the most famous organic farms and dairies in california. No wonder Dynamo is our first and last stop on each trip to San Francisco.

Each first sunday of the month during the summer is “Sunday Streets in the Mission” down Valencia and 24th Streets. Closed to cars one can roam freely by foot or bike
Our new favorite for Chinese food is Mission Chinese. Flavors so hot it’ll make you cry, taste’s so good you can’t stop eating! Sizzling Cumin Lamb, Kung Pao Pastrami and Tiger salad.
Be sure and click on the image below of Carissa, tears streaming down her cheeks, attempting to “put out the fire” with a cold beverage…
Breakfast of choice in The Mission… Boogaloos !!

Desayuno Tipico , 2 eggs, grilled plantain cake topped with tamarind sour cream, black bean and corn tortillas
Mission Dolores, is the oldest surviving structure in San Francisco and the sixth religious settlement established as part of theCalifornia chain of missions. The Mission was founded on June 29, 1776, by Lieutenant José Joaquin Moraga and Father Francisco Palóu (a companion of Father Junipero Serra), both members of the de Anza Expedition, which had been charged with bringing Spanish settlers to Alta (upper) California, and evangelizing the local Natives, theOhlone.

Mission Dolores – In the 1906 earthquake the mission was not damaged but the church next to the mission was and it was never rebuilt; what remains has been preserved in close to its original state.
Thanks for allowing us to share our Oregon/California Coastal Adventure with you!
For more photo’s of our Oregon/California Coastal Adventure click here.
Billy Caldwell
Posted at 11:01h, 09 MarchGreat as usual…Liked the golden color of the Golden Gate Bridge. Try to enter some of these in a photo contest. Maybe also the Texas State Fair photo works.. Billy
Ronnie Mosley
Posted at 23:14h, 09 MarchThanks Billy! I appreciate your words of encouragement!
Posted at 11:25h, 09 MarchIt is very obvious, that your having the fun, and I;m enjoying seeing you have fun.
Ronnie Mosley
Posted at 23:13h, 09 MarchThanks Jim! It was fun and I appreciate you taking the time to look and share.
Allen Capoferri
Posted at 15:04h, 09 MarchGreat photographs.
Ronnie Mosley
Posted at 23:19h, 09 MarchThanks very much Allen.
Cynthia Ware
Posted at 22:00h, 09 MarchI forwarded your blog to our cousin, Charlotte, so she can now follow your travels!
Ronnie Mosley
Posted at 23:16h, 09 MarchThanks! I appreciate you following my blog. 🙂
Posted at 22:02h, 09 MarchWonderfully inviting photos…beautiful! What a great adventure together!
Ronnie Mosley
Posted at 23:18h, 09 MarchThanks Victoria, I always appreciate your comments! Thanks for taking the time to share.
Deborah Pearle
Posted at 18:55h, 10 MarchAs always, enjoyed traveling through your blog. Your photography is amazing and your writing enjoyable. Thank you for sharing another adventure!
Ronnie Mosley
Posted at 19:31h, 10 MarchThanks Deborah! Always nice to have you along. 🙂
Charlotte Joyce
Posted at 10:15h, 16 MarchRonnie I enjoyed your blog and pictures with comments very much. I appreciate Cynthia sharing your website with me. Keith and I have made the trip along hwy one from Califormia to Washington State. Awesome. Brought back many sweet memories.
Cousin Charlotte Joyce
Ronnie Mosley
Posted at 15:13h, 16 MarchGood to hear from you Charlotte, thanks for taking the time to join in our adventures!