09 Mar With Project Hopeful – At Redeemers House In the village of Santiago Zamora, Guatemala
3/2/2015 – Our first day of work here in Guatemala took the Project Hopeful team 30 minutes outside our base of Antigua to the village of Santiago Zamora. Partnering with Casa del Redentor (Redeemers House), our dental team attended to over 30 children and adults who were in critical need of dental assistance. These are people have never had access to normal dental care and there needs would go unmet if it were not for teams such as this that Project Hopeful has put together.
As I watched God’s grace, love and mercy unfold through the lens of my camera I could not have witnessed a more beautiful manifestation of Project Hopefuls Faith Statement being carried out.
FAITH STATEMENT: We are committed to bringing everyone we encounter to the knowledge of their true identity in the ONE that calls us out upon the water. We will make Him known through the reality of the cross and the unconditional love, grace, healing and hope it brings. We will love and serve as equals, restoring dignity through humility and loving through long term relationships with the people and communities we serve. GRACE will abound in all we set our hands and hearts to.
FOR MORE ABOUT PROJECT HOPEFULS WALK ON WATER INITIATIVE – http://www.projecthopeful.org/walk-on-water-initiative
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