11 Oct Raindrops of Mercy In Pakur India – Capturing Grace on a 16 Flight, 5 Week Journey Throughout Asia.

Car pool in india.. i’m not going to say how many are in this vehicle, you wouldn’t believe it anyway.
Now that I am back in the US it is a interesting process to balance my responsibilities to family, my real estate brokerage, and my work as a humanitarian photographer.
Each morning I spend a few hours processing photographs that were taking on my five week journey through Asia, organizing and exporting the promised photographs to those who are waiting on them. Then I switch hats a few times during the day while my heart is still sorting through the experiences I had in India.
I find that the stories follow the photographs, so my workflow is to process photographs first and then watch for the words to follow.
Working on the several hundred photographs that I took at Everett Mission’s school of 126 children takes me back to a very rainy day in the countryside of Pakur. There is a lot that a photographer cannot control, weather is one of those. The primitive buildings here in India do not provide much protection from the elements so I found myself drenched to the bone during my several hours of photographing. The rooms are small and the only way to photograph what was in front of me was to set up the shot and then step out into the rain to take it. It provided a pretty hilarious set of circumstances and I will always remember this day.
I have come to a point of peace with the raindrops you see in the photos… uncontrollable elements. They serve to remind me of the abundant drops of mercy God has showered upon Alex and Sunita since their days of growing up in an orphanage of more than 2000 children. In a partnership with God, they are rewriting the story for those they serve.
Here is a sampling of photos from that day as I continue to form the words to describe the work that Alex and Sunita Sam do so beautifully here in India.
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