20 Jul The South of France with Carol… C’est bon
France with Carol – Capturing Grace on a 21 day journey through Sweden, Latvia, Ukraine, Moldova, Prague and France.
As our high speed TGV train whirred along the tracks at speeds up to 200 mph, Carols one day delay from New York to Paris became a distant memory…her arrival seemed more like a dream. With the blur of beautiful canola fields and poppies ablaze with color, we made out way to the South of France.
A tiny little Renault transported us back into the 12th century village of Oppède le vieux where our hosts Laurie and Rogèr served the most memorable Duck. Returning with Carol after my visit three years ago with Carissa is a dream.
The South of France is lavender.. spices.. olive wood.. candles.. friday markets.. bracelets with stories.. poppy fields ablaze.. ancient Paths.. crusty french bread.. Cassis by the Mediterranean sea .. pepper laden goat cheese.. slow.. Carols new dress.. cool quite cathedrals in warm little villages, Carols hand… my heart skips a beat.. C’est bon
We do not remember days; we remember moments.
Cesare Pavese -Poet, Novelist

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