23 May Grace Lin

Grace Lin – From my Capturing Grace Blog at www.capturiinggrace.org
My friendship with Grace began over coffee chats at Avoca. It was a year or so ago and I loved hearing her stories of how God provided a path that led her from China to Fort Worth to attend Southwestern Theological Seminary.
Over coffee I grew to love Grace’s ability to bring the bible alive, her stories from the book of Ruth may have been written thousands of years ago but Grace brought them alive with beautiful modern day application.
During the chats that followed I had the opportunity to hear Grace’s heart about a new friend named David who she met at the Seminary. David came here from Korea, obeying his own call to serve God. It was in this context that God knit Grace and Davids hearts together.
When Grace asked me to photographically document her and David’s engagement, yes was my only option. I explained to Grace that I am much more at home wandering through the mountains of Nepal and capturing the local culture than I am photographing weddings or engagements. However, Grace is a dear friend so I said I would do my best to honor their story with photographs and celebrate this moment with them.
During our time together at the park where David had proposed, I was so moved by the gentle love and kindness that David showed to Grace and in turn, the heart felt respect that Grace reflected back. I could easily understand why her heart was captured by this young man who had committed his life to God, and to Grace.
Towards the end of our time together I had this overwhelming feeling that I had not adequately documented what my heart had experienced while walking through the park with Grace and David. I always tend to feel that anxiety, I think that all photographers do, at least those who work from a motivation found deep in their heart.
As Grace and David thanked me and made their way to their car I turned to waive, more than once. I could not shake off that feeling that we had not finished, something was left.
I started my car and made my way towards the park exit and then I remembered, this is the park where David proposed to Grace, there was a special bench overlooking the river where Grace had accepted David’s invitation to spend the rest of her life with him.
I circled back around but Grace and David had left, I called their phone but no answer. I was resigned to head home without this photo when I saw Grace and David, hand in hand, crossing the road for the duck pond.
I am so glad that we had a second chance, I loved capturing that moment on the bench where their future was sealed with a kiss.
Thank you Grace and David for trusting me to capture your love for each other.
Today, on your wedding day, I wish you both all the love.

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