11 Mar With Project Hopeful – Reyna
3/3/15 Project Hopefuls Walk on Water initiative in action today at Remar – Ciudad de Los niños (City of the children).
Reyna is a sweet, beautiful girl that has not spoken a word in three years. When the authorities allowed Reyna to come to Ciudad de Los niños (City of the children) all they knew was that the San Lucas police rescued her from the streets where they had found her in bad shape. The medical reports were consistent with unspeakable abuse and Reyna has never verbally communicated since being rescued.
Reyna was very shy when I introduced myself but it was apparent that she was curious about what I was doing here with my camera and gear. Setting my gear aside initially I just sat by her side and shared the space that she occupied there on the curb. After a bit she was comfortable enough for me to snap these photographs. My heart was warmed by the smile that eventually showed it’s way through her eyes.
“But when adults speak up for the vulnerable and the weak, working and demanding that safety and respect prevail, God’s little lambs are protected and nourished. They know they are not abandoned; they are loved. And the world becomes a little more like heaven as a result.”
Wess Stafford, Too Small to Ignore
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