23 Jun Thursday June 4th – “Get out of the van!” in Dubai – In and around Ethiopia with The Adera Foundation
Destination Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Thursday June 4th – Our 15 hour flight went smoothly, arriving Thursday at 12:15pm Dubai time (3:15am CST). So, with our bodies feeling like 3am and our minds taking in the bright and sunny 109 degree skies of Dubai we celebrated our arrival here by hopping aboard our shuttle van for the Emirates Airline provided hotel. Packed with close to 30 people and their luggage in tow we only made it halfway to our hotel before our van started up a hill that proved to be too much. Despite the drivers valiant efforts to “ride the clutch” and get us up and out of the way of the dozens of cars that were starting to backup from the bridge and onto the highway, we did not make it. In his broken english, we felt sure that he could not be telling us to get out, but yes, that was his request. Our still cheerful little group exited the van into the oven-like 109 degree Dubai heat and walked the hill whereupon the driver picked us back up at the top and we were on our way, undaunted by this minor setback. Such was our arrival to Dubai!
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