16 Nov Michelle’s Story – In and around Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, with Orphan Outreach
While photographing Little House of Refuge and the children that live here, a sweet, outgoing girl ran up to me, pulling on my arm to lead me to a painting that hung on the wall by her bed. From her enthusiasm, I knew this art work must have been painted by her. Only later did her story unfold and I learned why she could not communicate by words.
It’s heard to believe that this vivacious, outgoing little girl was once hiding from adults, with fears from the past still lingering. Michelle’s was born deaf and the victim of abuse. Her deafness led those who had abused her to think that the abuse would go untold.
Before a judge, brave little Michelle used sign language to communicate her story of abuse, leading the court to place her into Little House of Refuge in Xela.
The environment that children like Michelle experience here at Little House is one of beauty and inspiration. Michelle has learned to express herself through art and the result speaks for itself! Lourdes and Teresa are the hands and feet of Jesus to children like Michelle, through their hard work and generous love, there is healing here at Little House of Refuge.
Orphan Outreach provides monthly sponsorship of all of the children at Little House and provides funding for teachers, school supplies and other urgent needs. Short-term mission teams have been involved in many activities including teaching skills to the children and helping with painting, construction, education and other needs of the orphanage.
To learn more about what Orphan Outreach does to be the hands and feet of Jesus to this part of the world read more at http://www.orphanoutreach.co/countries-we-serve/guatemala/
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