10 Jul Sunday night walk in Uganda
In the Rikai area of Uganda – photographing for The Master Cares Foundation
Sunday was slow and a time of rest here in Uganda. Despite the warnings of danger on Masaka-Kakuti rd, I left the confines of my motel (alone) and strolled down the red dirt road into the little town of Kalisizo to see if I could find anything interesting to photograph. I don’t know if the warnings given were due to the dusk traffic being so dangerous (think beat up boda boda’s sailing past you in the dark with no headlights, many carrying four to five people and missing you by inches), or if it was due to the fact that what I held in my hand cost more than the average Ugandan makes in a lifetime. Either way, I was undaunted as prior warnings around the world have always fallen on (my) deaf ears, allowing for adventures that will be remembered for a lifetime.
After only a few strides down Masaka-Kakuti rd I met my soon-to-be new friend Isaac who was wearing a nice shirt and a friendly smile. In minutes the decision was made for Isaac to accompany me on my adventure, adding a layer of safety for this tall Mzungu (friendly, Ugandan term for white people) who stands out here rather badly. In return, I bought Isaac and his friend Prosper some hot off the grill Matoke (grilled plantains) and Chapatie (bread). In a short time they welcomed me as one of their own, calling me a Ugandan at heart. I thoroughly enjoyed this impromptu culinary adventure, almost as much as the conversations that we shared. My camera, and why I carry it once again opened the door for me to share my testimony – “trust, faith and change “.
.The elements for enjoying life are not complicated, it just requires some curiosity, trying new things, crossing cultural boundaries and living life with an open heart and open hands.
- Airport runs with Jerry Tucker, picking up Wess Stafford
Posted at 15:41h, 10 JulyYou certainly give your guardian angel a massive heart attack trying to keep up with you and keep you safe. Do be careful. One of these days………..!
Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
Jan carden
Posted at 22:20h, 10 JulyAmazing photos of a country and it’s culture. Glad you are sharing Gods love for them!