10 Dec With Badjao Bridge in the Philippines, Celebrating The Lighthouse
There was so much to celebrate today!
Badjao Bridge Executive Director Dan Johanson had the pleasure of seeing a long time dream for the Badjao come to fruition.
Three years ago Dan and I witnessed a a very close call here on the island as Typhoon Hagupit veered off course after having Bohol Island in its crosshairs. We were working on contingency plans to save the lives of this Sea Dwelling tribe who have nowhere to hide during tropical storms. That experience led Dan to work very hard to erect a safe place for the Badjo. We celebrated the completion of such a structure today with a blessing for The Lighthouse.
Sunday was a day of worship for the Badjao with team member and worship leader Aisea bringing music that connected during this vibrant and heart felt service. Team member Aurelia Castro talked about telling your story while Alex Win and I had the pleasure of digitally documenting the service.
It was a memorial experience to stand in front of the Badjao in their little church suspended by stilts out over the water. I came here to tell their story, but I was asked to share mine. I looked out and saw those whom I have eaten with, dived and fished with, laughed and cried with. I saw God’s creation in front of me, the body of Christ, walking through life together as equals, with each having so much to share.
Our very full and exhausting day ended with time on the beach to reflect and relax, giving thanks for the opportunity to make new friends while serving together here on Bohol Island.
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