17 Sep Photographing for Alongsiders International in Phnom Penh Cambodia

Mienea pink os on the left and her Big Sister is on the right. They loved the photo I was able to print for them <3
Photographing for Alongsiders International in Phnom Penh Cambodia – Capturing Grace on a 16 flight, 5 week journey throughout Asia
There is a movement going on in Cambodia, young people are joining hands with children in need, walking Alongside them as a brother or sister. Thanks to the Alongsiders ministry, over 2000 big brothers and sisters are mentoring a younger brother or sister and both of their lives are being transformed.
One of the things that I love about the work I do¸ through Capturing Grace is getting to know ministries and see how they work. Many times the simplest models produce the most profound results, such is the case with Alongsiders International.
Riding beside Craig Greenfield through the heavy traffic of Cambodia’s capital city, I loved his stories of Cambodian youth walking beside children who are in need. Growing up in New Zealand, Craigs Kiwi accent could be heard as he shifted with ease between English and Khmer, the language of the people he serves.
Having read Craigs book, Subversive Jesus, I was already a big fan of Alongsiders and their global movement that started here in Phnom Penh. Hearing Craigs narrative in person as we headed out of the city on a four hour drive to Svay Reang province in Cambodia was fascinating. “Alongsiders is equipping compassionate young Christians in poor nations to walk alongside those who walk alone: to love, welcome and encourage the most vulnerable children and orphans, in their own communities. In this way, hundreds of children have discovered their value through the love of their Alongsider and the local church.”
Todays assignment was to meet with a group of Alongsiders and photograph these relationships. It is my hope that the love I witnessed through the lens of my camera will communicate to your heart.
I invite you to learn more about Alongsiders on their website.
Cynthia Myers
Posted at 20:56h, 08 OctoberAnother amazing story and photos