18 Sep Departing Phnom Penh For Siem Reap – Capturing Grace on a 16 flight, 5 week journey throughout Asia

Carissa and I loved our stay at the Behemiaz Hotel in Phnom Penh, it was the perfect setting for processing photographs and writing stories for Alongsiders International.
I have learned that trips can be so full of activity that the special moments God designed us to inhale and savor are lost unless we are intentional to notice. Mornings here at Behemiaz have been a time of taking note both mentally and in my little red journal.
I loved waking to the soft rain that fell on the pond beside our breakfast table, creating ripples that were relaxing to follow.
I will miss the sweet Cambodian girl with her broom and earphones, turning the mundane task of sweeping the hotel grounds into a time of joy as she unashamedly sang along to whatever she was listening to. I did not need to understand her words in order to translate her traditional Cambodian melody into pure joy, her presence will be missed but the life lesson will be remembered.
Enjoy the little things, be present, be still and acknowledge God in all things.
“Be still, and know that I am God”
- Pslam 46:10

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