07 Aug Arrival flight from Addis Ababa to Hawassa -Capturing Grace in Ethiopia for Hawassa Hope

Now that I am back in the US I will be posting daily from my time in Hawassa, Ethiopia. I hope that you join me and my friends as we journey through the beautiful but impoverished Sidama zone of Africa. I am excited to introduce you to what God is doing through the ministry and partnership of Hawassa Hope and Ajuju.
I am excited to accompany Hawassa Hope board president, Greg Knight and passionate supporters Caleb Spence and Greg Cullen to beautiful Hawassa, Ethiopia today.
The change in topography as we flew from Addis Ababa to Hawassa was distinct and the mountains crossed in our twin engine plane were stunning. Our group is filled with anticipation over what God has in store for us during these next seven days. It’s been my dream for several years to photograph the ministry of Hawassa Hope, I am so grateful to be here.
I invite you to learn more about Hawassa Hope at https://www.hawassahope.org
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