27 Oct Photographing World Without Orphans (WWO) Global Forum in Thailand

Capturing Grace around the world on a 34 day, 8 country, 3 continent trip, photographing for organizations in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Israel and Jordan.
October 24th, 2019, LA to China en route to Thailand –
Maybe our stories aren’t simply about suffering. And maybe life isn’t separated neatly into chapters. Maybe joy and heartache bleed together, spilling out in to the binding of each page.
Because even when heartache doesn’t have a clear beginning and end, we can be certain that neither does love, goodness, and joy.
And maybe that is life and the truth of our stories; they aren’t one thing or another. They are a glorious mess of it all.
~Lexi Behrndt
Heading out over the Pacific Ocean from LA to China with my moleskin notebook ready for stories. I never felt more surrounded by God’s presence nor a greater sense of purpose.

After 15 hours over the Pacific Ocean, Carol and I were rewarded with this beautiful sunrise as we disembarked the massive China Eastern A380 in Guangzhou, China

October 24th, 2019 – Capturing Grace at the 2019 World Without Orphans Global Forum in Chiang Mai Thailand –
In 2016 I had the privilege of photographing the World Without Orphans global Forum in Chiang Mai Thailand and hearing speakers from around the globe who are making a difference in the 150,000,000 global orphan crisis. I have always looked forward to returning.
The second Global Forum for a World Without Orphans will be underway in less than two hours in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This will be a strategic time to activate, connect, and equip the Christian community worldwide to address the orphan crisis, as leaders from around the world develop and share solutions that provide every child with a safe, stable, and nurturing family.
World Without Orphans is a global movement with a shared vision for orphans becoming sons and daughters. Their dream is that every child will grow up in a safe, stable and nurturing permanent family, and know their Heavenly Father.
You can learn more about this event at -https://www.worldwithoutorphans.org
You can follow this years World Without Orphans Global Form life at www.bog.media/wwo

Friday Oct 25th – Capturing Grace in Chiang Mai Thailand for the 2019 World Without Orphans Global Forum
As the World Without Orphans Global Forum prepared to go live, It was a humbling experience to walk into the convention center and see images lining the walls of those I have photographed from around the world. Each one I consider it a privilege to have met and learned their stories.
Now, these faces will inspire leaders in orphan care from over 70 countries around the world who will be in attendance at this global event.

Sunday Oct 27th, The Sunday Night Market in Chian Mai with Alex and Sunita Sam – Capturing Grace in Chiang Mai Thailand for the 2019 World Without Orphans Global Forum
You know how can have an amazing memory and then, when you try to re-create the same experience, it never lives up??
Well, thankfully that was not the case last night with Alex Sam and my extended Indian family. Three years ago, I went with this group to the Sunday Night Market While attending the World Without Orphans Global Forum in Chiang Mai and I‘ve never forgotten the laugh till you cry moments, this year was just like before.
On my blog at www.capturinggrace.org I wrote this about Alex Sam and our Sunday Night Market adventure, since then I have photographed for his ministry in Pakur India and our friendship has only become stronger.
“I came to know Alex a year ago while interviewing him for World Without Orphans. We stopped the interview a few times and just talked, asking him in a bit more detail about his childhood, growing up in a orphanage in Mumbai, India. His story is amazing and you can read it for yourself in his book “On the Wide Roads of Mumbai”, available on Amazon.
What I find most interesting is that many of the friends in these photos grew up with him in the same orphanage, lifetime friends. These guys are an absolute blast, with Alex always leading the way with his jokes. Not only are these guys friends for life but they have all started amazing ministries, allowing the God that transformed their lives, to use them, to transform the lives of others.
Our night out contained a lot of silliness, but, after all, laughter is still the best medicine! Thanks Alex for a fun filled night with your friends at Chiang Mai’s famous Sunday Market.”
Other stories from my blog boy Alex and Sunita Sam and their Everett Mission

Sunday Oct 27th, Speaking at the World Without Orphans Global Forum about the Heart of Photography –
I am so grateful for the opportunity to speak on The Heart of Photography at at the 2019 World Without Orphans Global Forum in Thailand. Working alongside videographers Samuel and Maarten is something I have always wanted to do.
Meeting Abby and Karina with Orphans Promise was a added blessing and I am so excited to photograph for you next year in Latin America.

Sunday Oct 27th – Capturing Grace in Chiang Mai Thailand for the 2019 World Without Orphans Global Forum
Global leaders in orphan care from over 70 countries, united in a single purpose…. PRAYING for A World Without Orphans.
The moment and image that touched me the most, was when prayers were being pinned to a cross that stood before a photograph I captured in DR Congo. The moment in Goma was one of desperation and hopeless, I felt so overwhelmed at being unable to do so little for people that I loved so much. The village I was in had once been buried by lava flow from the eruption of Nyiragongo, even a short walk was exhausting due to the volcanic rock. The family in the photo lives in a country where Eboli threatens their lives, the corrupt government and harsh environs leaves little hope.
Now, hundreds of people at the WWO Global forum are on their knees, praying and pinning prayers to a cross that stood at the base of this family’s portrait. Only God could orchestrate so much hope, from so much pain.
Story from DR Congo on my Capturing Grace blog.

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