26 May Life in The Fairmount – Our Porchtrait Project – Meet Emily and Lauren over in the 1400 block of W Allen Ave!

Life in The Fairmount – Our Porchtrait Project
Meet Emily and Lauren over in the 1400 block of W Allen Ave!
What a blessing to meet Emily and her sister Lauren and take their Porch-trait! They were so kind to have already explored my travels though my Capturing Grace blog, it didn’t take long for our chatting to take us on shared journeys around the world. Like myself, they share a fondness for Asia, its culture and the people that live there. Emily has spent time in China and Lauren in Indonesia. They had already learned of my heart for India through my blog but I enjoyed sharing a few more stories.
Emily and Lauren graduated last December from TCU’s nursing school and are about to enter the Army to serve our country as nurses. I am so excited for how God is calling them to help others, I may just have to visit them for coffee and more stories in one of their future destinations around the world.
Oh, and you are not seeing double, these sweet sisters are twins. ?♂️❤️
When I asked Emily my Porchtrait Project question’s about life during Shelter In Place, here is what she had to say….
We’ve lived in this duplex in Fairmount for almost 5 months since graduating from TCU’s nursing school in December!
We currently work at a local bakery in Fort Worth while we wait to start our jobs as Army nurses in early July.
We’ve enjoyed spending more time outside on our porch and taking walks through the neighborhood.
Our favorite business in Fairmount is Melt because we love ice cream!! We ordered multiple pints over the course of the stay at home order that were all probably eaten in one sitting!
As simple as it sounds – we are just really thankful for this house becoming our home in this season. We’ve stayed here way longer than we originally expected, but it’s been the greatest gift.
To meet all your neighbors who have participated in the Fairmount Porchtrait Project go to https://capturinggrace.org/capturinggrace/tag/the-fairmount-porchtrait-project/
Shot on a Leica Q2
Message me if you’d like to be included in the Fairmount Porchrait Project!
This is a love gift from my heart to this amazing community that we live in. For those who can, you can make a donation to the non profit that I donate my time too, Capturing Grace.
You can learn more about my work at www.capturinggrace.org
Why I started Capturing Grace – https://wp.me/P9Ktas-5
To Donate – https://capturinggrace.org/donate/
I will provide you with a link to your full resolution photographs within a week of our shoot.

About the Photographer – I’m Ronnie Mosley, my wife Carol and I have lived in the Fairmount almost three years in the 1500 block of College Ave. My wife is the best neighbor anyone could hope for; I love people through the lens of my camera and Carol loves them with acts of kindness.
I have photographed in over 40 countries during the last five years, telling the stories of people who are making a difference in the lives of orphans, vulnerable children and people in poverty.
#MrRonniesNeigborhood #lifeinthefairmount #FairmountPorchraits #LeicaQ2 #Leica #summilux
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