02 Jul Life in the Fairmount – Our Porchtrait Project – Meet Joe and Rachel over in the 1200 block of Carlock St.

Life in the Fairmount – Our Porchtrait Project – Porchtrait #96
Meet Joe and Rachel over in the 1200 block of Carlock St.
I loved meeting Joe & Rachel Robinson along with their 6 year old basenji/blue heeler mix named Raisins and 10 year old Loksi, a African Leopard Tortoise. They are also fostering 4 kittens they rescued and put up for adoption.
When I asked Joe my Porchtrait Project question’s about life during Shelter In Place, here is what she had to say….
What’s been the most difficult thing for you about shelter in place/social distancing?
In a time we expected people to be coming together, seeing the division between different groups over the news and regulations, eg, the politicization of wearing masks. However we recognize our privilege everyday of still having work and a home. The pandemic has disproportionately affected low income communities and people of color.
What do you miss most during shelter in place?
We really miss going to the movies.
What do you look forward to the most (about no longer sheltering in place)?
Feeling comfortable having people over. Being new residents to Fort Worth, we’d love to invite neighbors and coworkers over to get to know them better.
How long have you lived in Fairmount
Just over a year, but we knew when we moved into this neighborhood that we would want to be here for a long time
Favorite thing about living in Fairmount
Evening walks and admiring our neighbors’ landscaping along the unique architectural features of their homes. We’ve also enjoyed seeing so many people out on their porches or in the parks during quarantine and have especially loved tending a plot at the community garden.
Favorite business?
Esperanza’s, because it’s the perfect Tex-mex spot, and it’s right around the corner. We’ve been grabbing a lot of large chips & salsas to-go from there over the past couple months.
Your Work?
Rachel is an event coordinator at the Fort Worth Botanic Garden. Her long-term goal is to become a farmer-florist. Joe works at Half Price Books and is studying Ayurveda through the Narayana Institute of Austin with plans of becoming a certified practitioner. Ayurveda is a holistic health modality originating in ancient India that recognizes us each as a microcosm of the macrocosm and aims to balance mind, body and spirit.
Best activity during social distancing?
Replacing our front yard with a Texas native perennial garden that is also food-scaped.
What are you thankful for?
We are really thankful for the time we’ve been able to spend together in our new home, the means to weather this crisis, and the opportunity to help others.
To meet all your neighbors who have participated in the Fairmount Porchtrait Project go to https://capturinggrace.org/capturinggrace/tag/the-fairmount-porchtrait-project/
Shot on a Leica Q2
Having concluded the Fairmount Porchrait Project the end of June, I am unable to take new requests. I will be working and posting a few more days to tell the stories that I have already documented.
I have absolutely loved meeting over 100 of my neighbors and hearing your stories. I will miss these experiences a great deal but look forward to future projects that will allow this sweet connection. Perhaps Porch-traits on special holidays? New neighbors as they move into the Fairmount?
Feel free to reach out if you would simply like a portrait at your home in return for a donation to my non profit, Capturing Grace.
You can learn more about my work at www.capturinggrace.org
Why I started Capturing Grace – https://wp.me/P9Ktas-5
To Donate – https://capturinggrace.org/donate/
I will provide you with a link to your full resolution photographs within a week of our shoot.
About the Photographer – I’m Ronnie Mosley, my wife Carol and I have lived in the Fairmount almost three years in the 1500 block of College Ave. My wife is the best neighbor anyone could hope for; I love people through the lens of my camera and Carol loves them with acts of kindness.
I have photographed in over 40 countries during the last five years, telling the stories of people who are making a difference in the lives of orphans, vulnerable children and people in poverty.
#MrRonniesNeigborhood #lifeinthefairmount #FairmountPorchraits #LeicaQ2 #Leica #summilux

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