04 Jul Life in Fairmount – Our Porchtrait Project – Meet the Bowden’s over in the 1100 block of Hawthorne Ave.

Life in Fairmount – Our Porchtrait Project
Meet the Bowden’s over in the 1100 block of Hawthorne Ave.
I loved meeting the Sarah and Ty, just a few blocks over from me on Hawthorne Ave. Ty’s sister Haylee has been staying with them and I was fortunate that she was a part of the Porchtrait! She will be moving soon to a house on College Ave, just a block away from Carol and I.
When I asked Sarah my Porchtrait Project question’s about life during Shelter In Place, here is what she had to say….
We’re Sarah and Ty Bowden and we both work for a local nonprofit that serves refugees, victims of trafficking, and those experiencing homelessness in Fort Worth called The Net. Haylee Bowden – Tys sister – also lives with us for the last 2 years! She works at our church The Paradox.
I’ve lived in Fairmount since 2013 in a couple different rentals until I decided I loved the neighborhood so much I wanted to put down roots here and bought our current home in 2016.
Through COVID, we feel blessed that we’ve been able to work remotely, even though we have missed around friends and family. We look forward to being able to gather together again soon!
The best part of Fairmount for us is the communal nature of the neighborhood, living around the corner from best friends, and the proximity to some of the best restaurants and businesses in Fort Worth! As far as our favorites, we probably eat at Salsa Limón at least once a week, Sarah loves Spiral Diner and Ty loves Craftwork Coffee.
Shameless plug — Sarah is a co-founder of a social enterprise called The Worthy Co that just moved in on S. Lake Street! We’re have a job training program for survivors of trafficking, prostitution, and addiction. A global pandemic is not a great time to try to open a retail store so we’ll be postponing that until the fall, but in the meantime we’re online at Worthy-Co.com.
Right now, we are especially thankful for our health and the health of friends and family. We’re thankful for a comfortable home to enjoy during this time, and more time to spend together and with our dog Bear!
To meet all your neighbors who have participated in the Fairmount Porchtrait Project go to https://capturinggrace.org/capturinggrace/tag/the-fairmount-porchtrait-project/
Shot on a Leica Q2
The deadline for Porchtrait requests was the end of June but I am still posting from those already taken.
I have loved every moment with my wonderful neighbors, hearing and sharing stories from the heart. I look forward to future projects that allow these sweet front porch interactions to continue.
This has been a love gift from my heart to this amazing community that we live in. For those who can, you can make a donation to the non profit that I donate my time too, Capturing Grace.
You can learn more about my work at www.capturinggrace.org
Why I started Capturing Grace – https://wp.me/P9Ktas-5
To Donate – https://capturinggrace.org/donate/
I will provide you with a link to your full resolution photographs within a week of our shoot.
About the Photographer – I’m Ronnie Mosley, my wife Carol and I have lived in the Fairmount almost three years in the 1500 block of College Ave. My wife is the best neighbor anyone could hope for; I love people through the lens of my camera and Carol loves them with acts of kindness.
I have photographed in over 40 countries during the last five years, telling the stories of people who are making a difference in the lives of orphans, vulnerable children and people in poverty.
#MrRonniesNeigborhood #lifeinthefairmount #FairmountPorchraits #LeicaQ2 #Leica #summilux

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