13 Jul Ammir – Capturing Grace on a 23 day journey through Ukraine and Greece, Photographing for Remar in the Malakasa refugee camp, just north of Athens Greece

This is ten year old Ammir, he asked for more food after he recieved the usual distribution. He was very kind to understand that I could not offer more (its complicated). He said with the most mature voice, please come into my hiome and meet my family. We have water for you, you look very tired (I was ).
I sat with his mother and father and chatted over cold water and their offering of oranges. Seeing the strength, kindness and dignity in his fathers face allowed me to understand the heart and compassion of his son.
Dasha and I both were amazed at this young boy and could not help but ponder, why do people in the most pain, people with nothing, are the most generous and have the most joy.
I woud love to follow Ammir’s path. He is special.
“Refugees are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, children, with the same hopes and ambitions as us—except that a twist of fate has bound their lives to a global refugee crisis on an unprecedented scale.”- Khaled Hosseini
I invite you to be a part of the work that Pablo is doing through the ministry of Remar, assisting those who have lost everything to start a new life –
Videographer Becca Chopmans interview with Pablo – https://youtu.be/_C_Q49plZbg
You can donate at this link – https://remar.gr/donation/
To learn more about the work of Remar around the world – https://remar.org
Faced with every catastrophe, natural, social or of any kind, the NGO REMAR acts quickly to be able to help the most disadvantaged. And it mobilizes all the necessary resources for this purpose.
We are an NGO with Christian foundations that began its work in Spain in 1982, created to help, promote and develop people in situations of social exclusion, we have more than 38 years of experience in the fight against injustice, drug addiction, food security, coverage of basic needs, health, education, family and gender violence. We work in 70 countries thanks to the help of God and the support of thousands of volunteer collaborators who dedicate their lives to the service of others.

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