10 Jun Praying for Ukraine, knocking on doors for Dasha, trusting God
March 2, 2022 • Riga, Latvia

With my arms outstretched, my US Passport opened to my photo, I have now walked up to two US Embassy’s (Uganda and Latvia), pleading my sweet friend Dasha’s case.
Sticking to my script, heart pounding, I read the following…
“I am a US based humanitarian photographer who travels the world photographing for organizations who help orphans and people in poverty through my nonprofit, Capturing Grace…
[hold up book with my work]
I was on assignment in Uganda with my Capturing Grace assistant from Ukraine when the war broke out between Russia and her home country. My assistant Dasha holds a masters degree in applied linguistics from Lviv University and speaks four languages. Dasha can no longer return to her family in Ukraine due to the war.
Her safety is my responsibility and I now need her to return to the US with me temporarily. We flew here to Latvia two days ago on February 28 due to the embassy here having the shortest wait time for appointments. Prior to the war Dasha had already applied for a tourist visa to the US in order to Translate for a speaker from Ukraine.
Her appointment at the US Embassy in Ukraine was to be August 2022. We are now requesting for her tourist visa appointment to be expedited due to the war breaking out and her inability to return home.”
I will continue to knock on doors around the world until we find the one that God chooses to open, we trust him, we know that he has a plan and that his plan will be beautiful.
This morning, in my little “war room” at the Nieburgs Hotel in Latvia I am on my knees praying for all the people of Ukraine who have very few options right now. It is a blessing to walk beside Dasha and I am so grateful that God is directing our paths.

These photos tell the story of our arrival to Latvia, so grateful to sweet friends Dace Rence and Amanda Owen Banister for already making Latvia feel like home.
March 10, 2022 • Riga, Latvia

We have been knocking on doors, praying, knocking and praying more. We were told by everyone that obtaining a visa was a longshot, but Dasha and I held on to the God who created the heavens and the earth, a God who holds us in our hands and has a plan for our lives.
Our quest to obtain a U.S. Visa has felt like a movie, pleading our case at the US embassy in Uganda, getting out of Uganda (unbelievable stories), pleading our case at the US Embassy in Latvia, opening a congressional inquiry, working with numerous attorneys, making Latvia our home as we navigated an extremely difficult process. Our goal was to reduce a US embassy appointment from August 2022, down to May 17th then miraculously, an appointment today, March 10th at 8:45am.

Dasha’s visa to the US (10 years) was approved !!!!
We are incredibly grateful and humbled by all the hundreds of people around the world who have prayed and interceded on Dasha’s behalf.
Dasha and I are so grateful to go to the US together in just a few days, the answer was against all odds, all the more evidence that God has a plan for Dasha’s life to serve others. With the war in Ukraine raging and the future so unpredictable, Dasha will stay with Carol and I until some stability returns.
Walking beside Dasha through our work in Zambia and Uganda, hearing Dasha share her faith while her own family was under attack in Mariupol Ukraine was inspiring beyond my ability to describe.
These photographs are beautiful reminders of the grace, love and mercy we experienced during our time in Latvia and upon returning home.
Matthew 7:7-8
7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

Cynthia Myers
Posted at 15:35h, 01 JulySuch an amazing story! I still cry when it read it!