12 Jul Faces from Ukraine
July 13, 2022 • Uzhhorod, Ukraine

During my time in Uzhhorod I sat down with a family who recently arrived here in Uzhhorod.
29 year old Iryna, her 70 year old father Ivan and her six year old daughter Albyna. They are now considered IDP’s (internally displaced persons) after being forced to evacuate from their town of Gulyapole. Gulyapole is located in the region of Zaporizhzhia in Eastern Ukraine.
Iryna was born in Gulyapole ukraine in 1993, this was her home for 29 years until her city was viciously attacked by Russia.
“The first day of war felt like a nightmare, my daughter Albyana was shaking uncontrollably, my husband and I took turns holding her tight.”
Even now, here in Uzhhorod, she shakes when the missile alert sirens go off, I can attest to this from my own experience this morning at 4:30am.
“I’ll never forget the sound of rockets over our home… flames were everywhere… so much fire… our friends homes were burning”
“Somehow we survived the night, I don’t know how, we were evacuated to a basement, where we lived for a week. After that week in the basement, Ukrainian soldiers said “you must leave Gulyapole now if you want to live”. We left with only what we were wearing and only three hryvnia (that’s less than $1) in my pocket. My husband stayed behind to fight in the war.“
How do you feel now? I asked.
“Feel? My soul is empty, I have no life, a part of me has died. A part of us is still back in Gulyapole Ukraine mourning the loss of family and neighbors.”
“My soul is empty”
Iryna has so much anger and fear inside, understandably. Every once in a while during our interview she would start shaking and just start repeating the words “why… why… why… we were just minding our own business, living our lives, a good life… we did not need to be rescued, rescued from what, happiness? Our jobs? Our lives? Is Putin so jealous??”
I will continue to knock on doors around the world until we find the one that God chooses to open, we trust him, we know that he has a plan and that his plan will be beautiful.
Iryna looked into my eyes, she wanted answers from me that I had no ability to provide.
In another outburst, most of which I cannot quote here, she said to Russian soldiers “ go back to your *#%!ing Russia and leave us alone.
We were free… we were fine. “
Iryna’s eyes brightened when I asked her what the ministry of Nehemiah here in Uzhhorod means to her.
“The Nehemiah ministry has Provided a place to sleep with clean sheets. The food makes us feel human again. I am grateful far medicine, hygiene, counseling for me and my daughter Albyna (6 yes old).

“Here in this place we are getting our lives back, Albyna is starting to speak again, slowly, she is expressing herself through art and drawing.”
Please pray for Iryna, Albyana and grandfather Ivan who is so kind. They have survived so much but the road ahead will be hard.
July 14, 2022 • Uzhhorod, Ukraine

“Russia’s relentless shelling of the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv with cluster munitions and scatterable land mines amounts to a war crime that indiscriminately killed hundreds of civilians”
– Amnesty International
39-year-old Ivan, along with his wife, 37-year-old Inna somehow survived the monumental bombing and destruction of the city of Kharkiv where they have lived for all of their their life.
It was my honor and privilege to sit with this family here in Uzhhorod Ukraine where they now live as IDP‘s, (internally displaced people). I listened in awe to the events that have forever changed the lives of ten year old Sasha, six-year-old Lira, 63-year-old grandmother Elena, 64-year-old grandfather Mykola and 87-year-old great grandmother Liudmyla (not pictured).
Before the war broke out on February 20, 2022
Ivan was a public relations manager for Publishing House, now, his office and life, have burned to the ground.
Inna was a teacher at the national University of Civil Protection where she taught public administration.
February 20th changed everything, the missiles rained down on their city like hell from the heavens, they hid in a kindergarten basement for shelter. One week seemed like an eternity. One week in the dark, one week with 30 children and 60 adults, each person united in a singular goal, to protect those they they love, to stay alive.
At this point in my interview, mother Inna turned to daughter Sasha and asked her to recite what she memorized during that one week in the basement. Sasha’s reciting of the Lords Prayer never held so much meaning to me as it did in that moment.
February 24th this family made a gut wrenching decision to leave their home of Kharkiv in order to save their lives. This family of seven wedged into grandfather Mykola’s little Lada and started a nightmarish journey that ended here in western Ukraine, at the ministry of Nehemiah Team Ukraine in Uzhhorod.
The yellow ribbons they tied onto the mirror of their car identified them as Ukrainian‘s who are peacefully leaving their city, the signs in the rear window indicated there are small children on board. They prayed that these words and symbols would bring them safety, knowing that for many it did not.
In one of the photographs posted, you will see 87 year old great grandmother Liudmyla, A World War II survivor when she was six years old. She now prays that her six-year-old great granddaughter will survive this moment in history as she did.
The people of Ukraine are survivors, their history has taught them to fight, to be brave and to endure.
What does Nehemiah Team Ukraine mean to Ivan and Inna?
Safety, community, they are thankful to Tetiana who has organized this community and for making it feel like home.
“Nehemiah has helped restore our faith in a God who, despite the events of this very broken world, loves us and has a plan for our life.”
July 15, 2022 • Uzhhorod, Ukraine

July 13th – With my heart holding more stories than I have time to share I am packing my bags to leave Uzhhorod Ukraine for Warsaw Poland.
My time in Uzhhorod has been unforgettable, stories and faces etched deeply on my heart.
Faces of disappointment, sorrow and grief, faces of healing and faces of help. I am so inspired by the work of my friend Andre through World Without Orphans and Nehemia Ukraine’s Tetiana Machabeli.
These parting images are filled with emotion from memories, both good and bad, I leave Uzhhorod with a heart that is inspired and full of hope.
About WWO
Ukraine Without Orphans has spent the last 12 years building an active network of ministry partners and churches throughout Ukraine. This network is now uniquely positioned for such a time as this – to bring critical aid and to orchestrate evacuation efforts. Today YOU can help increase their impact.
By supporting our WWO partners in Ukraine, Romania, Moldova, Slovakia and Poland your generous gift will help meet the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of vulnerable children and families.
I invite you to learn more about what WWO is doing to impact the lives of Ukraians who have been impacted by the war.
About Nehemia Ukraine
You can learn more about the work of Nehemiah.
Rocket attacks and artillery fire are shaking Ukraine. What this means for the country and the people makes us stunned and calls us to act quickly. Our Ukrainian Nehemia team Nehemia in Uzhhorod plays a major role in addressing the many humanitarian challenges in Transcarpathia. They have been very active in helping refugees for years and are also recognized as coordinators by the Ukrainian government. They have currently prepared about 150 places for refugees. We calculate that about 6000€ per month will be needed to take care of these people. In addition, more finances are needed to create more emergency shelters in the city area as well. We will also participate in an aid transport to Uzhgorod. Please share this appeal!
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