17 Jul Photographing For Lifesong in Warsaw Poland
Capturing Grace on a multi week journey through Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Poland and France.

The interviews we conducted with Ukrainian refugees here In Poland reveal deep wounds from tragic loss. But thanks to Lifesong, that’s not the end of the story, lives are being mended and wounds are being healed through God‘s redeeming love.
I look forward to sharing these video interviews upon their completion, for now these photographs document my last few days in Warsaw, Capturing grace for Lifesong,
About Lifesong
Our team partners with State-run orphanages to reach children with after-school programs, day centers, camps, job skills training, and transition homes. We also support crisis families and encourage local adoption efforts. Beyond this, we develop businesses to create jobs and help the ministry become self-sustaining.
With the current conflict in Ukraine, our team is shifting and expanding its ministry to best meet the needs in and surrounding Ukraine.
Will you give today to support the people of Ukraine?
* Supply each ministry location with necessary food, fuel, medical supplies, and shelter.
* Deliver relief resources to those who remain in combat areas.
* Evacuate as many as possible from high-conflict zones to secure locations.
* Minister and provide relief to Ukrainian refugees in Poland.
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