20 Jul Natalie – Kraków Poland to Paris France
Capturing Grace on a multi week journey through Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Poland and France.

At the end of a journey that has taken me through Germany Austria Slovakia Ukraine and Poland, my arrival to Paris was filled with a mixture of exhaustion and euphoria.
While the numerous train and plane connections left me exhausted, meeting people and sharing stories always restores my heart and soul.
While boarding my flight from Kraków to Paris, sweet Natalie turned out to be one of those Angels. Usually the conversations start over my cameras or suitcase, this one started over the latter. Natalie gasped at the 51 stickers that adorn my silver Rimowa suitcase that has served me well on this remarkable God journey.

My time with Natalie resulted in savoring the following message while sitting on the terrace at my home away from home in Paris, Hôtel Caron de Beaumarchais. Natalie’s words touched my heart deeply.
“Hello Ronnie! Hope you are well. It’s Natalia here, we met in Krakow airport, thanks to your great suitcase
I wanted to say thank you… I believe that God, also my grandmother that passed away before I could meet her, takes care of me in the darkest moments of my life, helping me to achieve what seems impossible… It’s difficult to express how I feel their presence in my life, sometimes I realize it long after it happened.
This time, they made us meet! You are a great person, Ronnie. You probably don’t realize how important this very brief meeting was in that moment for me. Please, keep inspiring people.
You asked me what is my favorite place in Paris… I had some time to think about it and it is Sainte Chapelle. There, you can see a theatre of light coming through the stained glass windows.
I would like to describe it the way you said your daughter did – it makes me feel magical, as if I was in a different dimension, at peace with myself, so simple yet extraordinary, I feel the presence of God.
Take care! And thank you so much! You brought light to a very difficult time in my life.”
Thanks to God, and Natalie, I do not feel alone here in the city of lights and love.
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