14 Jul Who Loves You More Than Anyone Else in the World? Changing Lives in Uganda
Seventy-two-year-old Charles Loper could have chosen to enjoy his retirement on yachts and cruise ships around the world, enjoying what many would call the good life. Instead, he listened to God’s calling to help those who live in extreme poverty and started The Master Cares Foundation.
One of the benefits of photographing for an organization like The Master Cares is spending time with their founders, hearing how God moved in their lives to supernaturally accomplish His will. Charles deeply loves the people of Uganda and it is clear that God has called this humble man to do this work. Charles is the first person to tell you that this is God’s work and not his.
Before embarking on this journey to Africa with Charles, I learned all that I could about this ambitious ministry that encompasses a school with nearly 300 Ugandan students, expanding to almost 500 next year. There is a clinic that is strategically located to provide healthcare to those who are most in need, a ranch that teaches sustainable farming to those who up until now had no hope for a job, and a shop that trains young adults to sew and become expert tailors. Clean water has been provided to thousands through the drilling of numerous water wells.
One of the most beautiful aspects of The Master Cares ministry is how they teach everyone with whom they come into contact about the life-changing love of Jesus Christ.
During the two-year agriculture program, those who are trained contribute to the program by working to make the farm itself sustainable. When they leave the program they do so with animals of their own that they worked hard for along with the skills to run their own farm. More importantly, they leave with a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through discipleship classes that are intertwined with the work they’ve been trained to do. Tailors, students and patients all benefit from this same approach. Even the construction workers that build the buildings start their day with devotions.
During the days that I have already spent with Charles it is clear that he has taken the same skills that made him successful in the corporate world to change the lives of those most in need. Quality and sustainability are the cornerstone of every project. There are no handouts here, and everyone benefits. Charles is keenly aware that the work he is doing will impact future generations that he will never meet.
One of the things Charles enjoys the most at Master Cares Christian Academy is going from classroom to classroom handing out bubblegum to the students. The children love Charles. Every time he walks into a classroom he asks in a booming voice, “Who loves you more than anyone else in the world?” The children happily reply, “JESUS!”
During the time I spent in the classrooms photographing the students, I was amazed at the quality of the education they receive. The teachers are creative and thoughtful and the students are respectful and engaged. Each classroom I walked into, the students would stand and greet me in unison. They are learning skills that will carry them far in life.
As the day came to a close, a student came up to me and asked me a question in a soft, thoughtful voice, “Who loves you more than anyone in the whole world?” I replied, “Jesus does,” as the student smiled warmly. I think that God and Charles are on to something here.
- Morning devotions with work crew
- One of the very grateful students at Master Cares Christian Academy`
- One of the new buildings that will allow expansion of Master cares Christian Academy to 500 students
- These students are getting an education that is second to none.
- Can you imagine how you would feel if your school looked like this and someOne came along made it possible to go to a school like Master Cares Christian Academy?
- This is what one of the classrooms looks like at a Ugandan school near the Master Cares Christian Academy
- Charles Loper enjoying passing out bubble gum to the students and asking his favor question…
- Students at The Master Cares Christian Academy receive uniforms with there names on them. The impact this has on there self esteem is amazing, they are so proud of there new clothes.
- Computer class
- Even I had a hard time leaving this engaging teachers class, when a child got an answer correct or did something worthy of praise she would say with a thick Ugandan accent give him “three flowers” with both hands raised imitating the shape of flowers accompanied with a wonderful swooshing sound!
- These beautiful uniforms are starting to be made at the tailor shop that the Masters foundation has opened that both teaches young adults how to be expert tailors and reduces the cost of uniforms to the school – smart business.
- This student is enjoying a delicious meal, the best one she’ll have for the day. I enjoyed the meal of beef rice and pineapple almost as much as I did the company
- Beautiful happy students, this girl is the older sister to the one who was involved in a boda boda accident the other day. (See previous post) I am happy to report that her little sister is improving and was released from the hospital today. Many thanks to those who prayed for her.
- This music teacher is amazing!
- Ballroom dancing in Uganda? I was absolutely amazed, I cannot wait to post a video I made of these children having the time of their life!
- The Master Cares Christian academy principal – David
- Riding with Charles Loper to the medical clinic just outside of Bethlehem, Uganda
- The medical clinic that The Master Cares Foundation partners with.
- Charles Loper and medical clinic staff
- Grateful patient at the medical clinic
- This is little five year old Kasujja, whom I reported on yesterday who came to the clinic with anemia and malaria. I am happy to report that he was released from the clinic today and is doing much better.
- Heading to the educational ranch for Ugandans with Charles Loper
- The Master Cares educational ranch
- Andrew, one of the lead workers at the ranch. Andrew and I spent a wonderful day together exploring the African country side
- This is Sarah Napuga Nalongo, the teacher at the tailoring school. Sarah is the mother of three sets of twins and does amazing job of teaching her students how to sew.
- Charles inspecting some of the latest uniforms made by the tailoring school
- These students are so grateful to be taught a trade
- On the ranch, he gardens are learning farming and ranching skills.
- Egg production is good here on the ranch.
- This little piglet is having some adjustment problems with his brothers and sisters and keeps getting pushed away from the mother, he’s being fed cows milk instead.
- These proud graduates from the farm and ranch program earned their own mother pig for the work they’ve done at the ranch. Their pig had now giving birth to several piglets. They’re learning the business of farming and how to sell their pigs at a profit.
- Very grateful beneficiaries of the 30+ wells that have been drilled by the master cares foundation
Posted at 15:18h, 14 JulyWhat a fabulous post. Very informative and interesting.
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Andrew Ojok Nokrach
Posted at 21:01h, 14 JulyWonderful work brother Ronnie.
On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 10:48 PM, coastal traveler wrote:
> Ronnie Mosley posted: ” Seventy-two-year-old Charles Loper could have > chosen to enjoy his retirement on yachts and cruise ships around the world, > enjoying what many would call the good life. Instead, he listened to God’s > calling to help those who live in extreme poverty and s” >