01 May Congratulations Carissa on your graduation from Pepperdine University!
With the Pacific Ocean for a backdrop, over 900 Pepperdine “waves” took their walk across the stage, repositioning tassels and accepting their hard earned diplomas in the process. I’m pretty sure that of all the dad‘s present, there were none more enthusiastic and proud than myself.
I loved the commencement speech, delivered by someone I’ve recently come to know and admire. Gregory J. Boyle is the founder of Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles, the largest gang intervention, rehabilitation and re-entry program in the world. His most memorable quote was “We don’t go to the margins to make a difference, We go to the margins so the folks at the margins make us different.”
Then there was that moment when they called out “Carissa Mosley” and my heart stopped, for at least a a moment or two.
Congratulations Carissa, your family could not be more proud of your accomplishments at Pepperdine and in life.
Of all the sights, sounds and words that comprised this graduation weekend, none were more precious than those of my children laughing and telling stories on the beach as the sun disappeared and the full moon reflected off the waves.
My heart is full… ❤
- Early morning at our Malibu Airbnb with Pepperdine in our back yard
- Early morning at our Malibu Airbnb with Pepperdine in our back yard
- The search for the iron…
- Our graduate!
- Pepperdine Campus
- Pepperdine Campus
- Carissa and Tessa 🙂
- View from Pepperdine University campus of the graduation site, Alumni Field
- I was just a wee bit early…
- I’ve finally learned to arrive early to graduations… Thanks Matthew Mosleyfor sitting in the sun to help save our seats :
- Most memorable moment was this beautiful (and persistent) pelican that returned to the graduation multiple times perching on one womans umbrella so as to watch the ceremony… ❤️. It made the CNN news.
- Beautiful El Matador Beach
- Courage. Kindness. Friendship. Character. These are the qualities that define us as human beings, and propel us, on occasion, to greatness. R.J. Palacio, Wonder
Cheryl E
Posted at 03:21h, 02 Maygreat news! congratulations to carissa!!
Posted at 08:11h, 27 OctoberThank you Cheryl! Since Converting my blog I have learned that I missed a few messages, happy to find yours ?