13 May Happy 32nd Birthday Christina!
Today was Christina‘s 32nd birthday and our family celebrated the gift of her life as we grieved her earthly absence.
These photographs taken over the last 12 months mean a great deal to me and I hope that you will find connection with them as well. There is a little bit of Christina’s heart and influence in each one and I am so grateful today for her life, love and the inspiration she has given me.
I am also grateful for the kind words from Christina’s friends, they always hold her close in their hearts.
Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality.
– Emily Dickinson
- Palawan Island, Philippines
- Telling the stories of the children in the front line war on the border of Ukraine and Russia
- Photographing in a government orphanage in Ukraine, my heart broke here
- I loved meeting this little boy in Santiago Guatemala as he and his sister played ball
- Precous little girl in Cerro De Oro Guatemala
- I loved this little girls confidence in Kenya
- I loved this little Ethiopian boys spirit at Brighton Academy in Ethiopia
- Precious little princess on Palawan Island in the Philippines
- Enjoyed eating shark in the Philippines with this little girl and her mom, grandmother and great grandmother
- Exchanging smiles between figuring each other out in the rush hour traffic of Nairobi, Kenya
- Baby sleeping under the shade of a house in the Philippine Islands
- Stories from Ukraine
- Love love love working with my daughter and talented photographer, Capturing Grace around the world
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