05 May Life in The Fairmount – Our Porchtrait Project – Meet the Parlee’s over in the 1500 block of College Ave.

Life in The Fairmount – Our Porchtrait Project
Meet the Parlee’s over in the 1500 block of College Ave.
The Parlee’s live just down the block from my wife and I and we love them so much! Part of my morning routine is to greet Ose’s parents, Gabriel and Julie Oteze on their morning walks and experience their warm return.
When I asked Chris my Porchtrait Project question’s about life during Shelter In Place, here is what he had to say….
Hi Ronnie, we are Chris and Ose Parlee. Ose’s parents are Gabriel and Julie Oteze. We have 2 munchkins Maddie (5)and Jacob (3).
Most difficult thing during Shelter in Place has been juggling our schedules with our kids, but we feel very blessed to have Ose’s parents here to help. Sheltering in place for our family has been filled with gratitude and lots of bonding. Having 6 of us in the home has made it not as lonely as I imagine it would have been otherwise. We also try hard not to dwell on the fact that there are 3 vulnerable people in the home (age and health) with the 4th going into the hospital everyday. Otherwise we’d be nervous wrecks!
We definitely miss date nights and being able to go out for some adult time and are looking forward to seeing our larger family and friends again in person.
We love being able to walk to Magnolia, our neighbors, the character, convenience to everything we need (work, school, daycare, etc.). We love all the businesses but our kids are obsessed with MELT. We love the diversity of food choices (e.g. spiral diner)
We’ve had multiple interesting careers over the years. Ose transitioned from engineering to now being an innovation strategist for a consulting firm. Chris went from being in the wine business and is now a resident physician at JPS. We may be too old at this point to switch again but you never know!
Gabriel is a retired hydro-geologist and professor, Julie is a retired high school principal and entrepreneur. Maddie and Jake have PHds in being adorable 🙂
We try everyday to focus on the positive and appreciate each day. We are all in this together and are sending out love to all of you! Stay positive!
To meet all your neighbors who have participated in the Fairmount Porchtrait Project go to https://capturinggrace.org/capturinggrace/tag/the-fairmount-porchtrait-project/

Shot on a Leica Q2
Message me if you’d like to be included in the Fairmount Porchrait Project!
This is a love gift from my heart to this amazing community that we live in. For those who can, you can make a donation to the non profit that I donate my time too, Capturing Grace.
You can learn more about my work at www.capturinggrace.org
Why I started Capturing Grace – https://wp.me/P9Ktas-5
To Donate – https://capturinggrace.org/donate/
I will provide you with a link to your full resolution photographs within a week of our shoot.
About the Photographer – I’m Ronnie Mosley, my wife Carol and I have lived in the Fairmount almost three years in the 1500 block of College Ave. My wife is the best neighbor anyone could hope for; I love people through the lens of my camera and Carol loves them with acts of kindness.
I have photographed in over 40 countries during the last five years, telling the stories of people who are making a difference in the lives of orphans, vulnerable children and people in poverty.
#MrRonniesNeigborhood #lifeinthefairmount #FairmountPorchraits #LeicaQ2 #Leica #summilux
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