Saraswati’s Story: Healing and Opportunity

Photographing for One More Child – Capturing Grace on a  journey through South Asia

In February of 2024, along with Capturing Grace team member Ellie Everett, I had the privilege to witness the work of One More Child in south Asia. Our hearts were deeply moved by the tremendous need that we witnessed in the impoverished communities that One More Child serves.

Thankfully we left with hearts full of hope from the stories we learned and images that we captured.

Thank you Ellie Everett for writing this story of lives changed in South Asia. 

In the heart of a leprosy slum lives a 13-year-old girl named Saraswati. She lives with her mother and grandmother in a small home amidst many makeshift shelters. As we walked up the dirt path to her home, we were warmly greeted with smiles and nods. When Saraswati sat down in her living room, she began to tell her story with a quiet demeanor full of a gentle strength. 

Each day, Saraswati experiences a world far from ours. Everyday life is hard and yet she found help when new opportunities developed after she began attending the One More Child after-school program.

“I learn how to read, how to speak English, and the teachers teach us from the Bible and read us scripture and we sing songs,” Saraswati shares with a smile. “We play games. We also get food. I learn so many things in the after-school program, and that’s why I like to come here.”

Before discovering the program, though, her life was marked by illiteracy and uncertainty. “Before the program, I didn’t know how to read,” she admits. “When I started going here, now I can read. I like to learn new things in the program.”

Prior to attending the program, she explained that she was very ill.  “Since I know Jesus [Before I knew Jesus], I was very sick and had an operation,” she recalls.  “I saw a number on the television talking about prayer and healing and I called it, and God healed me.”

The program not only nurtures spiritual growth but also uplifts the community around Saraswati. “This after-school program is changing lives as it has changed my life and many other children who are also receiving the benefit,” she emphasizes. “I want more children to come to learn about the word of God, and it will change their life.”

Through sponsorship from the school, Saraswati’s family finds stability amidst economic uncertainty. “Since I started going to the program, I have been receiving sponsorship,” Saraswati explains. “Through that money, my mom is running the house. She provides my books and notebooks. Before that, my family and my life were struggling. But now it is going better since the money helps us buy many things that we need.”

With newfound opportunity, Saraswati dreams of a future as a police officer—a testament to her resilience and determination. “I now have focus, and I know what I want to become when I grow up,” she shares. “I want to become a police officer.”

As Saraswati continues to thrive in the after-school program, her story reminds us all that even in the most challenging of circumstances, Jesus is faithful to provide a way.

Story bu Ellie Everett

I invite you to learn more about the work of One More Child  , I hope that you’re heart tells you to become a part of this life changing ministry by sponsoring a child.


Ellie Everett
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