In the heart of a leprosy slum lives a 13-year-old girl named Sakshi. She lives with her mother and grandmother in a small home amidst many makeshift shelters. As we walked up the dirt path to her home, we were warmly greeted with smiles and...

Nestled in the middle of Lalitpur, Nepal is a community center. Every day after school, students from the Godawari Slum come to receive homework help, free resources, and a home-cooked meal or snack. The after-school program has become a significant support for families like Bindu...

It was so sweet to be greeted by “baby” Christina as she ran with outstretched arms and said, “I love you Unkie Ronnie.” How can it have been eight years since she was born? I still remember celebrating her birth in the US, holding her...

Nine years ago, I boarded Emirates flight EK 209 from Dallas to India to meet the little boy that my daughter Christina had sponsored through Compassion International, from the time Christina was 18 and Sathish was 8 until Christina’s passing at 27 and Sathish was...

Nine years ago, I boarded Emirates flight EK 209 from Dallas to India to meet the little boy that my daughter Christina had sponsored through Compassion International, from the time Christina was 18 and Sathish was 8 until Christina’s passing at 27 and Sathish was...

I invite you to have an open heart and to listen closely to the stories that are about to be told, to negotiate your own meanings of home based on what you have learned, and to pray for each of these women to find the...