France with Carol - Capturing Grace on a 21 day journey through Sweden, Latvia, Ukraine, Moldova, Prague and France. As our high speed TGV train whirred along the tracks at speeds up to 200 mph, Carols one day delay from New York to Paris became a...

My heart comes alive when I travel. Waking up in new places, living with the expectation of divine appointments, meeting new people and sharing stories. Thats what makes my heart beat. It provides continued connection with those I love. It keeps me young. It’s what...

You know that a city is rich in history when the area referred to as "new town" was founded and built in 1348… After returning from Prague, I have enjoyed studying the photographs I took and learning more about the places that intrigued me. Most of...

Marie and I about to ascend Petřín Lookout Tower (we call it Prague’s Eiffel Tower due to the resemblance). So much fun As I prepare to depart Prague for Paris - Lubo, you are one of the wealthiest men in the world if you quantify your wealth...

Photographing for Orphan Outreach in Latvia - Capturing Grace on a 21 day journey through Sweden, Latvia, Ukraine, Moldova, Prague and France.  After a whirlwind of activity in Latvia it was quite the celebration to treat my host to lunch for all that she's done to...

Gabriel and I at the Medalhavsmuseet Museum 24 hours in Stockholm - Capturing Grace on a 21 day journey through Sweden, Latvia, Ukraine, Moldova, Prague and France.  My relationship with Gabriel started as his real estate broker but turned into friendship over coffee. We promised to continue...