This is the village in which Kerala Baptist Bible College and Seminary is located and some of it's people who are impacted by the ministry of the school. [caption id="attachment_5349" align="alignnone" width="560"] Touring the village of Pathandu India with Shibu[/caption] [caption id="attachment_5350" align="alignnone" width="560"] Pathandu, India[/caption] [caption id="attachment_5351" align="alignnone" width="560"] Pineapples...

Our family is so blessed to have you for a son and a brother. We are inspired daily by your heart for God, compassion for others and your love for sweet Tessa! Blessings to you today! I woke up this morning and prepared these heart felt...

One of the many passions that Christina and I shared was exploring places of beauty and photographing them together. The photo above was taken April the 11th, 2011 on a gorgeous spring evening by the Pacific Ocean. Christina and I were having the time of our lives, exploring the...

Over the past year and a half, Carissa and I have brought new meaning to the phrase “college search”. Visiting Florida, Ohio, Chicago, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina , Oregon and California we took a pretty aggressive approach! It helped that we always look for any excuse...

When Carol and I discovered Seaside Florida almost twenty years ago, we fell in love with it’s small town feel, stunning architecture, sugary white beaches and a endless expanse of emerald green water stretching out to meet the sky. Years later the little girl on the front...

[caption id="attachment_4091" align="alignnone" width="560"] Early morning flight to Chicago[/caption] It's hard to believe that a year has passed since our Chicago adventure, but that is how far behind I am in recording my travels. Touring colleges with Carissa has turned out to be an excellent excuse for...

As many of you know, I recently experienced a loss that has forever changed my life: the earthly passing of my first-born daughter, Christina. While I have found that I do not have the words to describe the grief I’ve been experiencing,  I am thankful...

Valentines day is for reflecting on the many aspects of love and how we are blessed to have people in our lives to give love to, and yes, to receive love from. When I get into one of these reflective moods, I turn to my...