[Before getting this post under way let me share two previous posts from last year in India  that explains one reason that  the elephant ride today was very special too me….  In search of an elephant ride, in India and Love Does! Traveling with Christina in...

  I am so thankful to sweet Jacob today for allowing us to love on Ollie the last 2 years of this special little dogs life. Ollie was blessed beyond measure to be adopted by the kindest girl a dog could ever hope to be adopted...

  Standing in the studio of my good friend and accomplished Fort Worth artist Tess Mcdonald, Carol and I were prepared for the unveiling of two paintings Tess created from photographs I had taken while in Ethiopia with The Adera foundation. We could have never anticipated...

Cradling little 5lb 6oz baby Christina Paul in my arms, only hours after her arrival into this world, was such a vivid reminder that life is both fragile and precious and should never be taken for granted. Despite her embilical cord being wrapped around her...

There are so many layers to this story that I don't really know where to begin. Elements of the story here today, Princy's baby shower, really started over a year ago when I first befriended Princy's husband Binu. What started with my asking Binu for...

As I close the lid on my suitcase today, ready to depart to Guatemala, it's hard to believe that it has been only a year ago that I traveled there for the first time. While the time since has been brief, my encounter with God...

While I was in Ethiopia, a story was published in Compassion International’s magazine about my daughter Christina’s sponsorship of a child in India. Friends have shared it and I am grateful. Now that I have returned, I am sharing it as well and taking the...