As I close the lid on my suitcase today, ready to depart to Guatemala, it's hard to believe that it has been only a year ago that I traveled there for the first time. While the time since has been brief, my encounter with God...

[caption id="attachment_7183" align="alignnone" width="660"] With Karmen Friesen and Ruslan Maliuta[/caption] When I started planning to visit Carissa in Switzerland where she is studying abroad this year, I was a little apprehensive about going on a trip without orphan related work being involved. All of my recent...

I could have spent a lifetime in Zambia and never run out of stories. Time was the constraining factor, not material. Weeks later as I think back on my visit to Zambia with Gary Schneider, founder of Every Orphans Hope, my mind reflects on Lubasi...

Aging out is a serious issue in the 147,000,000 global orphan crisis. Orphans that are “unadoptable”, growing up in orphanages and at the age of 18 being released to the streets with no one to care for them. The typical path for these unwanted emerging...