Words have always seemed inadequate to describe Christina, and I do admit to being a bit partial, but this one comes close: BREATHTAKING Webster's dictionary defines it like this: breath·tak·ing Adjective Astonishing or awe-inspiring in quality, so as to take one's breath away. As you have probably caught on by now,...

Christina's sweet friend and former London roommate Elissa posted this photograph and story about Christina a few days ago. God used this unique photo to strengthen us on a day where Carol & I felt anything but strong. God's timing is always perfect. "But they who wait...

Thank you God for making my heart large enough to contain the love I have for these two special girls. Carissa and Christina have blessed me beyond words. So much to be grateful for. ...

Fishing in a little boat in the middle of Cleburne State Park, Christina caught her first real fish. Christina always assigned names to everything, even inanimate objects were somehow brought to life through her naming them. So it was no surprise that she named her first...

Years ago, young Christina was photographed by a professional photographer in Dallas who was known for his artistry. Unbeknownst to me, he also did an oil painting of her that he kept on display at his Santa Fe, New Mexico studio. Years later he contacted...

I'll never forget driving back to my office, walking up to my receptionist, and with tears filling my eyes I say, "Please hold my calls, I just can't talk to anyone right now." I knew of nothing else to do but to put my head...

So I have this memory of pulling up at the airport with Christina and letting her off to fly back to who knows where. Having complained about my job or who knows what, she looked at me and said, "You know something, you can sit...

So, I am sitting in a booth at the Montgomery street cafe across from this amazingly articulate young man named Jacob. With words befitting a poet, he describes his love for my daughter with eloquence and beauty. I knew at once I was looking into...

My good friend David and I have often gazed at this picture that resides on the wall of my study at home. Both avid lovers of photography, we love the emotion, feelings, and memories that a good photograph evokes. This one says a lot about...

Christina and I were walking at one of our favorite places. The Sutro Baths area of the Golden Gate recreation area of San Francisco. She nudged me softly in the side as we both saw this photographer using a tripod and a Canon 5D. She...