Four years ago when Maria Shestopalova came to live at Sails of Hope, her life had been a very difficult story. In Maria’s ten years here on earth, surviving was the only goal. She had never received any formal education and was unable to read...

I am often asked, “how do you hear all of the difficult stories without it just breaking your heart?” There are multiple answers to this question but I am just grateful that for the most part, the heartbreaking stories are a part of these children’s...

In 2014, Marina was a happy mom with a husband, four children, and two more on the way. Life was good here in Sloviansk and the future was bright for this sweet family. After the borders of Ukraine were breached in 2014 by the Russian army,...

Our experiences at fathers house were unforgettable, so many sweet people whose stories, kindness, and hospitality left Rebecca Chapman and I longing for more time. It was hard to say goodbye but our schedule required us to move on to the next destination. ...

They were placed with six older teenagers, together with their own two children they have created a beautiful Fathers House family. The children are happy and excited to make new memories with such great caregivers. They cook, bake, create new recipes, play games, divide house...