Being a list maker, I always have a must see and do list on any trip I take. Charleston was no exception, but hanging out with my wife Carol was my main goal on this trip. While flying from Fort Worth to Charleston we both...

I'm so excited about the images from last months trip to Charleston, South Carolina with Carol. As I sifted through photographs for my upcoming posts on Charleston, I decided to go ahead and share some of my favorites a little early. So, consider this a...

When I heard that Christina's friend Leah was getting married in Birmingham, Alabama this May, two words came to mind (after congrats!), road trip! My oldest daughter Christina and I have always enjoyed road trips together. Among our favorites have been the ones  to and...

I enjoy graduations a great deal. One of my favorite TV moments is in May when the Nightly News does a slideshow recap of many of the major university's graduations with excerpts from there speakers. Graduations are a milestone, a reminder of the passing of...

The drive: This drive follows California Highway 1 and twists along the spectacular Big Sur Coast between Carmel and Morro Bay along central California's Pacific shoreline. The road is simply one of the world's most breathtaking drives, a must-do adventure for any California traveler. Here,...

Having spent 4 days in the city utilizing every form of transportation: walking, running, taxi, scooter, cable cars, bus and rail (both below and above ground), we are now enjoying the independence offered by our shiny black Camaro convertible. We made the switch from foot to car...

Travel can be such a conundrum. You want to explore someplace that you have never been to and to experience the joy of fresh discoveries. However, when you have already experienced places that hold a special allure, it's hard not to return. Such was the case...

Ever wonder why travel books always start with some history lesson about the first settlers when all your looking for is the best burger? Well, before I launch into  my recent  trip to San francisco with my youngest daughter Carissa, I find myself first wanting to...